我们体育读者文摘新一版也已经出版发行。从今年出版以来,我们的倡议和选编的文摘深受广大读者的欢迎。回忆世界形势动荡的2019,如何将体育读者文摘交流平台办的更好,我们面临着许多新的挑战。为了跟上体育信息发展的需要,更好地适应国内外读者的需求,经过期刊编委们的讨论提议,从本刊起,我们将新设立一个双向交流的体育信息专栏。让中国传统体育文化通过以全文或者文摘的形式 (以选中国的科研文献原稿,翻译成英文),来报道中国的传统体育文化,以及相关的故事和读物,让世界更了解中国。
本刊主题为中国的太极文化。话说中国的太极,在世界各地现有弟子成千上万,国外大部分太极弟子主要集中在美国和欧洲。练习太极拳的学员是越来越多,但是学员们对太极的知识还是一知半解。各门派的弟子对太极的知识解释是各抒己见。亚太各国将太极与武术相提并论,美国将太极解释为一种艺术性的健身运动。 我虽说在70年代在上海的公园就见过练太极的大师和练习者,可是最早了解太极的基础知识,还是从2013年读到邱丕相教授和朱为模教授共同编译的,由“HUMAN KINETICS 出版的一本英语的太极图解的书后才开始练习。虽然我们在美国开班教太极练太极已有多年,可是对太极的历史,流派以及它与武术的之间的关系还是解释不清。 为了弘扬中国的传统体育文化,让世界各地的太极爱好者能对太极有个更准确和深入的了解,我们特别邀请到了世界级的太极大师,中国武术九段(武术的最高段位)邱丕相教授为我们讲述他的有关太极的故事。讲述他对中国武术和他对太极历史发展的见证和见解,以及对太极事业发展所做的贡献。
目前练习太极拳大多数学员主要有两种需求。第一种学员是生活的条件好了,对生活质量有一定的需求了,把学习太极作为一种健身运动。第二种人群是体弱多病者,需要靠练习太极来增强免疫力。其中包括付不起昂贵的药费者,或者药物对其治病无效者,无论是东方和西方的都会有人来练习太极。面对这些太极的爱好人群,为我们普及和发展中国的传统的太极文化提出了一个更高的要求。 需要我们在推广和普及的同时对练习者要担负起一份责任。在传授的方法上将太极的套路更简化,灵活运用,更好地去适应练习者的需求。尤其是如何让我们的中年工作者们也喜爱练习太极,在他们休闲的第一时间想到的是去健身房打一套太极拳。
正如邱教授指出的那样,建国以来,中国用练习太极在生理生化各个系统都做过研究。但是从习练者的反馈来看,较受益的大多在免疫系统方面。中国在太极方面的科研还存有不足之处。在进行实验时,选择的人群范围较少,以至于缺少数据。 以及缺乏对练习者长期跟踪的数据积累。在西方我们时常听到对太极反面的说法是,太极有一种糊里糊涂的/无法清楚解释的一项健身运动。缺乏让真实数据来证明运动的结果。以此要求我们的科研工作者要下功夫,用更严谨的科学方法去研究太极,用真实的数据去论证太极的益处。任重而道远。
现在中国或者西方练习太极者大多数都是在初级的普及水准。 对套路技术不那么熟练也不规范,也不动脑跟着练。离开了领队就会忘了套路。大专院校学员主要也为了表演而学习太极。邱教授从太极拳的开创依附于中国的传统哲学角度,为我们提出了品味练太极的要求。也就是说我们要在掌握了太极拳的技术基础上,要到大自然中去练,要到人群中去练,要自我领悟地去练。要道法自然才能领悟到太极文化的真谛。才能将中国的太极文化世代相传,让太极深受爱戴,造福于社会,造福于全人类。
World-class Tai Chi Teachers Discuss Tai Chi, Enjoy Tai Chi
Dear Readers,
A new edition of our Sports Reader’s Digest has also been published. Since its publication this year, our initiatives and selected abstracts have been well received by readers. Recalling the turbulent world situation in 2019, how to make platform of the Kines Digest better, we are facing many new challenges. In order to keep up with the development of sports information and better adapt to the needs of readers, after discussions by the editorial board of the journal, starting from this issue, we have set up a new exchange sports information column to publish the Chinese traditional sports culture of China, as well as related stories and reading materials, in the form of full articles or abstracts (selected from the original Chinese scientific research documents and translated into English), so that the world knows more about China.
The theme of this issue is Chinese Tai Chi Culture. Talking about Tai Chi in China, there are thousands of disciples around the world. Most of the Tai Chi disciples abroad are mainly in the United States and Europe. There are more than 10 thousand of students practicing Tai chi, but the students still know a little about Tai Chi. Disciples of various schools have their own opinions on Tai chi’s knowledge. Countries in Asia Pacific compare Tai Chi with martial arts, and the United States interprets Tai Chi as an artistic fitness exercise. Although I have met masters and practitioners of Tai Chi in the parks of Shanghai in the 1970s. I first time learned the basics of Tai Chi and began to practice was read the book from Professor Pi-xiang Qiu and Professor Weimo Zhu in 2013, a English Tai Chi Illustrated Book published by HUMAN KINETICS. We have taught Tai Chi in the United States for many years, but the history, genre, and its relationship with martial arts are still unclear. To carry forward China’s Traditional sports culture, let Tai Chi enthusiasts around the world to have a more accurate and in-depth understanding of Tai Chi, we invited a world-class Tai Chi master. Professor Pi-xiang Qiu of the Chinese martial arts 9th levels (the highest level of martial arts) talking about the story of Tai Chi, telling his testimony and insights on Chinese martial arts and the historical development of Tai Chi, as well as his contribution to the development of Tai Chi.
Mr. Pi-xiang Qiu is a professor and doctoral program of supervisor of Shanghai University of Physical Education and Sports. Chinese Wushu 9th levels. Member of Expert Committee of National Wushu Research Institute. He used to be the director of the Wushu Department of the Shanghai University of Physical Education and Sports, a member of the Sports Discipline Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, and a member of the Education Commission of the Ministry of China. Director of Chinese Sports Science Society, Vice Chairman of Wushu Branch, Standing Committee Member of China Wushu Association, Deputy Director of Referee Committee, Deputy Leader of National Wushu Coach’s Post Training Guidance Group. Member of the 9th and 10th CPPCC of Shanghai. The instructor of the IWUF referee training course, the first batch of international referees, has served as the chief referee of the National Wushu Championships and the National Games for many times. Referee, served as Chief Referee and Referee in the 2nd, 4th and 7th World Wushu Championships. At the 2019 World Tai Chi Tourism Conference, he was named the most influential Tai Chi master. The detail introduction of Professor Qiu’s successful story, please see pages 36-38.
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